- imgfave of the day
Usual Thursday evening yoga last night. One big difference was not
wearing my contacts so I was pretty blind. Still practiced breathing
normally and with my eyes open staring at my fuzzy outline in the mirror
the whole time. It was nice though. You and I both look much thinner
when I'm not wearing contacts or glasses. I couldnt tell you from any
other Yogi in the class but everyone looked fabulously skinny. Hah. My
practice was awesome though. Balancing wasn't too difficult since I
didnt have specific objects to distract me from the postures. I
consistently fall out of Standing Head to Knee Pose because my eyes get
distracted but last night that didnt bother me. Another move forward was
in my Eagle Pose. I got my leg up higher and my foot is now almost
behind my calf muscle. So close...I never thought I'd get to where I am
because I never considered that I could actually twist my body up like
two wet ropes but hey I'm much closer to that then I ever thought
possible. I got the sweaty, wet part down pat but the twisting them up
is a long awaited achievement. Every day is a journey and every day in
and out of the hotroom is never the same. One day you have standing
separate leg stretching pose and your forehead hits the floor and the
next day you dont. One day you drink all your water and feel like you
might die on your mat and the next day you dont. One day you think I am
awesome at yoga today and the next day you think you suck and you never
want to step back in the hot room. One day you think I'm going to do
this my way because its the right way (and you fail miserably) and the
next day you let your body do as it was meant to and you achieve the
closest thing possible to the eagle pose. Its all about letting go,
keeping your intentions and forgetting that you may fail or be wrong.
Just be. Breath one breathe at a time. Breath normal and keep those eyes
open, fuzzy figures or not.
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