Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Hunt for the Rabied Leanderthal

So I have a story for you...
I was running late this morning to take Kendall to school. If I do not leave our house by 7:00am on the nose I hit a total mess of traffic and I am an unhappy camper as I start my day dodging angry housewives of Avery Ranch in their mini vans and large SUVs. In my last seconds running around the house getting Kendall together I let two dogs Humphrey and Izzy out back to finish their business. In my last seconds of panic to leave on time of course both dogs were not cooperating and were simply sniffing around the backyard not listening and definitely having no intention to come back inside. I frantically ran upstairs and woke Dustin up saying "Honey, I don't mean to wake you up and get you out of bed but I'm running late with Kendall and I need you to get the dogs inside. They won't listen to me." As I took my final few steps out of the house I see Dustin in his underwear yelling out the back door to get the dogs back in the house.
Fast forward an hour...I have dropped off Kendall in perfect timing...I am sitting at my desk and I receive the following Text Message from my neighbor, Melissa:
"what in the world is going on at ur casa? sorry but I saw cops and animal control and i just had to ask...hope everything is ok..."
This gave me visions of Humphrey running through our neighborhood and Dustin chasing after him in his underwear....running through my head. I mean why else would there be cops and animal control at our house. Naked man running the streets and a dog on the loose.
I immediately called Dustin and he answered, "I guess you're calling to find out whats going on, who called you?" Unlike my original vision as to the cause of all the commotion it seemed a very different story. Dustin had actually succesfully coerced the dogs back inside and was running early for work when he was leaving the house initially. As he was leaving he heard two gunshots or what he thought sounded like gunshots but could have been a vehicle backfiring. (Note: All our animals are safe.) He pulled the car out of the driveway and saw a lot of people standing around the daycare near our house and a police officer. Worried that he heard a gunshot and there's a nearby daycare he asked the cop what was going on. It turns out a rabid fox was shot in our neighbors yard. When Dustin mentioned that our dogs were out sniffing around our yard Dustin new he'd have to wait on Animal Control and take our dogs for precautionary Rabies Boosters. A female rabid fox that may have baby rabid foxes in our backyard was not how we imagined the morning ending up. What was an early to work morning for Dustin turned into a long chat with the cops and animal control setting up traps in our backyard and a visit to the vet with Humphrey and Izz.
Best part of the story is that my vision of what might have happened when I received the initial text had a unique connection to a funnier and true "husband in his underwear" story. If you remember that story then you'll appreciate the fact that the cop that Dustin chatted with all morning was the same cop that pulled him over that night. He recognized Dustin and let him know that the story provided much fodder for the force but was not the weirdest thing to ever happen to them!
Oh the life of a Leanderthal...

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